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November 11, 2008



I'm sure this will never pass your approval and will never be posted. This man should never be granted another chance to spew his filth and hate. If he were a straight republican spewing such hatred and filth towards anyone on the left he would never work again. I don't care about the politics of the tirade, it's the hatred and violence that's the point. The fact that he says is mic was off makes it clear he was speaking from his heart or the lack thereof.

Pat Edinger

This is the ONLY FAG talk show host in the SF Bay area? I find that hard to believe! LOL


Karel will be back. He is popular and has a huge fan base.


I hope he gets a great job. I only just read about this on the Huffpo and what he said was only a little 'bluer' that anything said at the McCain/Palin rallies. In general, people like Rush and the right generate so much hate talk that it frightens me for the future of this country.

Joe the Plumber is ridiculous. If he's representative of this country, it's a sad day for us.


someone explain what they see in karel?
i sometimes agree with him, but it is talk show.
he never lets anyone else say anything, it is all about
him, he interrupts, is rude, cuts off anyone, even his
own guests on his own show.

joe the plumber is an idiot. karel is often right on
his opinions, so what, he is awful to listen to. he
has no expertise, he has nothing to offer but his
own inadeqacy, ignorance and low class.

please kgo, you have to be able to find someone
better than karel.

You have jim gabbard, john rothman, you used to
have michael krazni and pete wilson ... these
guys are so good, why do you stick with people
like karel, or wattenberg. find a good host and it
does not matter what their opinions are, they
can have a good talk with anyone and the audience
can get something out of it.


Karel spewed vitriol and hate regularly. This was only the most egregious example. Good riddance to trash...

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