The Outdoor (cable) Channel held its 9th annual "Golden Moose" Awards ceremony ceremony held yesterday during the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Orlando, Fla and the following are the results:
The Winners
Best Overall Production
Winner: Whitetail Freaks
Nominees: Bow Madness, Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures,
Limbsaver's Addicted to the Outdoors, Mossy Oak's The Obsession
Revealed, Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell
Best Big Game Hunting
Winner: Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell
Nominees: Bow Madness, Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures, Limbsaver's Addicted to the Outdoors, Monster Bucks, Scent-Lok's Gettin' Close with Lee & Tiffany
Best Bird Hunting Footage (Excluding Turkey
Winners (Tied for 1st): Benelli's American Birdhunter, Pheasants Forever Television
Nominees: American Gun Dog, Bass Pro Shop's Next Generation, Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild
Best Turkey
Winner: American Hunter
Nominees: Bass Pro Shops Next Generation, Browning's The Best There Is, Inside Outdoors TV, Dead Down Wind's American Archer, Mossy Oak's The Obsession Revealed
Best Saltwater Fishing
Winner: Big Water Adventures
Nominees: Cabela's Outfitter Journal, Fishing & Outdoor Adventures with Keith Warren
Best Educational/Instructional
Winner: Mossy Oak's The Obsession Revealed
Nominees: American Rifleman Television, Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks, Dead Down Wind's American Archer, Leupold Big Game Profiles, Summit's High Places
Best Freshwater Fishing
Winner: Ultimate Outdoors
Nominees: People Who Fish, Fishing & Outdoor Adventures with Keith Warren
Best Sound Design
Winner: American Rifleman Television
Nominees: Cabela's Outfitter Journal, Hunting the Country, Limbsaver's Addicted to the Outdoors, Whitetail Freaks
Best Graphic Design & Animation
Winner: Wildgame Nation
Nominees: American Hunter, Matthews TV with Dave Watson
Best Blooper
Winner: Whitetail Freaks
Nominees: Archer's Choice, Bow Madness, Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell
Best Commercial
Winner: Mossy Oak
Nominees: Bass Pro Shops, Benelli's Duck Commander, Primos TRUTH About Hunting, Summit's High Places - Summit Stand, Wildgame Nation - Barnett Predator
Fan Favorite Best Host
Winner: Roger Raglin
Fan Favorite Best Fishing Series
Winner: Bass Pro Shop's Outdoor World Fishing
Fan Favorite Best Hunting Series
Winner: Roger Raglin Outdoors
Fan Favorite Best New Series
Winner: Whitetail Freaks
Fan Favorite Best Overall Production
Winner: Roger Raglin Outdoors
From Outdoor Channel Press Release