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March 16, 2009


Tim McGuire

I'm not sure why this is news. We've known how to solve Sudoku with a backtracking algorithm (made more efficient by the use of a few heuristics) for years, and I've implemented solvers as a class exercise for intermediate programming students. I'll have to look at the article to see if there's anything new or unique, but I doubt there is.

Tom Luteran

The method reaches a point where a number is selected randomly from the set of possible numbers. This is called "guessing". Mephams D is used as an example, but it can be solved without guessing.

The way the method was described in USA Today did not indicate that guessing was a part of the method. My hope was that the method worked without guessing - oh well!

Upadrasta Suryanarayana Murthy

Yess. I too agree with Mr.Tim McGuire.
We are also solving Sudokus using various techniques. I have been solving very hard Sudokus by marking probable numbers in the empty squares, using logical applications to remove improbable numbers and to work out appropriate numbers for the squares.

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