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May 26, 2009



My dad was a wonderful man and loved so many.Radio was his passion and his life along with his family and animals. I have never known a better man and probably never will. He was my hero, my angel and the best father anyone could ask for! He touched so many and loved so many as well. Please know he would want us to celebrate his life, his work and his passions...every day! So, please when you think of him...smile and laugh at the memories we all have...that is what he would of wanted and deserves. He will never know how many he touched, but I can gaurentee he is looking down and he is truly touched. He may not be with us and that is a shame but thru our hearts and the memories we carry he lives on everyday. Dad, you are so missed and not one minute of the day will you not be thought of. All our love...always!
Cassil and Damien.

Dick Downes

Nice quote about Don's passing in R&R this morning by Bob Catania.

Don first started calling on me when I was a rookie MD in Nashville. I got just as much respect from him as the big guys - none! ;<)

What a character. He continued to call on me as my career progressed. That's how he built his biz. He'd find a beginner, nourish him and then, when they got a little more rep - he'd benefit.

When I moved to LA & "R&R," we spent a lot of time together. He would always welcome me to his home when I was in the neighborhood or just needed a shoulder.

He gave great advice - not always what you wanted to hear, but right on the money. I loved that man. Lost track of him when Marie finally decided enough of the LA lifestyle and moved his ass up north.

I'm saddened by his death, but my life is a little richer for having known him.

Dick Downes
Custom Publishing & Marketing Group, Inc.

Rich Summers

I met Don 26 years ago when I became a PD at a 5000 watt daytime AM station in Soda Springs, Idaho. We were a Gavin reporter at the time and Don called me to work a record.

That was the beginning of a long and lasting friendship that saw both of us go through divorces, marriages, being out of work, several different radio markets for me, and a few moves for Don.

Through it all Don was a true friend. Always spoke the truth no matter the issue and helped many (me included) stay grounded and focused. He and Marie always welcomed me into their home when I was in their vicinity.

Don was a dear friend. I will always be indebted to him and will miss our conversations, his one of kind smile and laugh, and most of all, his "love ya" at the end of every call and e-mail.

I'm sure that he's working God on a new single right now.

I'll miss you Don. Love ya!

Rich Summers
Citadel Broadcasting
Boise, ID

Marie Anti

"Love Ya Babe!!" and I miss you.

Jeff Jenkins

I've cared for Don's veterinarian for his geckos for many years. Our friendship was founded on Don's animals but went far beyond.
I'll miss you Don!
Love ya!

Kent Tierney

Don was my uncle. My mother's brother. He was an amazing man and was with me during my mother's last days battling cancer. I couldn't have got through it without my Uncle Don. I just wanted Marie, Barbara and Damien to know what a great man he was. My mother and Uncle were very close and he was a tremendous influence in her life. I will miss you Uncle Don. Love you.
Kent Tierney

Pat Martin

I just found this website. Don called me several times a week at WSPT in Stevens Point. I sorry to hear of his passing. I hadn't heard from him for many years after moving out of Top 40 radio--into Country, consulting and now ownership. Don had a "grapevine" that would rival today's Internet.

Jeff Jacobs

I just found out about Don's passing two days ago and couldn't believe my ears. My friendship with Don began over a decade ago while programming stations KUJ-FM Tri Cities and KFFM Yakima WA.
What a great man and friend.
All the fun times at the R&R and Gavin conventions will be missed. But mostly your understanding of what was truely important in life. He was always truthful with honesty and integrity...something missing in todays world. He loved his home, pets and Marie. I remember each time we were away all he wanted to do was get home.It really took the wind out of my sails when I heard about his passing. You were a true friend and I'll miss those holiday cards!

Steve Smith

I was very sad to learn of Don's passing. As I moved up from MD to my first PD gig at WMGI in Terre Haute, IN, Don was very helpful giving me insight into the record part of the business. I learned a lot of things from Don over the years. I always looked forward to his visits and spending time with him at Gavin conventions. You never left Don without getting a hug. It was always enjoyed hearing how the animals were doing and discussing which movie he and Marie saw over the weekend. We stayed in touch a few times a year after I moved on. I will also miss my annual Don Anti Christmas card with pics of the animals.

Dennis Alvord  (Joe Nasty)

It will be a year tomorrow that I called Don up. It was his birthday and I never missed it nor did he miss mine. We were friends all the way back to the '70s. I was programming KIKX in Tucson when he first called me.."hey babe" his cheerful hello.
He was there when Jimi Fox put together Ten-Q and I'm sure he was a bird in his ear when Jimi hired me to be Joe Nasty in the Night time. Those days are gone, but his memory is still there. So today, Valentines day, It is a habit to remember tomorrow is his birthday. One of my best all time friends, thru thick or thin (and I did drive him crazy a lot) I will always have a special feeling for him. Happy birthday to the human hummingbird tomorrow.

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