Justdeals.com was launched in 2010, and since that time the site has had the lowest daily price for some of the top brand items- including Digital Cameras, Digital Picture Frames, Pogo Instant Bluetooth Printers, and other other consumer electronic products from such brands as Olympus, Polaroid, Pentax, AGFA, Philips, 3M, Rayovac, Remington, VistaQuest, VuPoint, Smartparts, Omnitech, Emerge Technologies, Marware and other national brands.
Today Nov3 Justdeals has a Polaroid Pogo Wireless Bluetooth Printer on Sale for 19.77. My husband and daughter love to print their Blackberry Photos wirelessly from this printer. What a deal. Target has it for alot more.
Posted by: helene | November 04, 2010 at 09:53 AM